Good afternoon, Mr Goddards bus route will be running 45 minutes late both morning and afternoon routes Friday January 17, 2025 Sorry for any inconvenience
7 days ago, Brent Boren
Good Morning Anna District 37 parents and guardians. Our second grade field trip this morning will be postponed. The theater is having difficulty with their heat and cannot accommodate our trip today. We will let you know the rescheduled date as soon as we have it. Thank you
7 days ago, Angela Clay
Report cards will be sent home with students on Friday, 1/17. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your child’s teacher. Thank you.
8 days ago, Mark Laster
District 37 parents and guardians. This is a reminder that school will not be in session on Monday, January 20th, in observance of Martin Luther King day.
9 days ago, Mark Laster
Take Your Child to the Library Day on Saturday, February 1, 2025, from 10:00 AM to noon.
10 days ago, Webmaster
Due to the expected weather coming early tommorow morning on top of the current hazardous conditions there will be no school Friday Jan 10 all extra curricular are also canceled. Stay safe.
14 days ago, Brent Boren
Tutoring will start back tomorrow, Thursday, January 9th. Thanks and see you all tomorrow.
15 days ago, Webmaster
Good afternoon this message is to let everyone know that Anna 37 will be in session tommorow January 9th 2025. We look forward to having our students back.
15 days ago, Brent Boren
Good afternoon, conditions on our secondary roads has not changed so Anna 37 will not be in session Wednesday January 8. All extra curricular activities are canceled as well. Stay safe.
16 days ago, Brent Boren
Good afternoon, I hope everyone is warm and has power. Due to the poor condition of secondary roads and the low limbs on the rural roads we will not have school on Tuesday January 7 ,2025 all extracurricular activities are cancelled as well. Stay safe and hope to see you Wednesday .
17 days ago, Brent Boren
Good evening. This message is to let District 37 families know that the Anna Fire Department is open tonight, as a warming center, for those who need it. Space is limited, but if you need a warm place to go for the night, they are open. Please stay safe and have a good evening.
18 days ago, Mark Laster
Due to the inclement weather Anna 37 will be closed Monday January 6,2025 all games are canceled as well hope to see you on Tuesday!
18 days ago, Brent Boren
Notice of Public Hearing: On 1-21-2025, Anna CCSD #37 will hold a public hearing to discuss the adoption of a resolution to use E-Learning days.
20 days ago, Webmaster
Public Meeting
District 37 parents and guardians. This is a reminder that school dismisses at 2:15 today, December 20th. Thank you and Merry Christmas.
about 1 month ago, Mark Laster
Anna District #37 Christmas Program for December 19th in the lower gym. Kindergarten – 6:00 p.m. Jr High Band & Chorus – 7:00 p.m. The program will be live on our Anna Live YouTube Channel. Click the links below to view the program live Lincoln (Kindergarten) Holiday Program Jr. High Band & Chorus
about 1 month ago, Webmaster
You are invited to a Pre-K Family Christmas Workshop!!! Friday, December 20, 2024 9:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. Lincoln School Cafeteria 🎅🎅🎅🎅🎅🎅🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄 We will be making no-mess gingerbread houses, reindeer necklaces, and decorating cookies. There will also be a photo booth, so bring your camera and join us for a fun-filled morning! There will be no regular Pre-K classes on this day. A parent/guardian/trusted adult must attend with their child.
about 1 month ago, Webmaster
Mrs Meneese's bus route will be running about 45 minutes late Friday December 20,2024 after noon route only
about 1 month ago, Brent Boren
Clarification on the last message - Students are encouraged to bring money for the PTO holiday shop, but those who cannot, will be given money to shop. Thank you.
about 1 month ago, Mark Laster
Just a quick reminder that the PTO Holiday Shop will be tomorrow at Lincoln and Friday at Davie and Jr.High. All students will be given money by the PTO to shop, but you may send additional money if you wish.
about 1 month ago, Mark Laster
Anna District #37 Christmas Program for December 17th in the lower gym. 1st and 2nd grade - 6:00 pm 3rd & 4th grade - 7:00 pm The program will be live on our Anna Live YouTube Channel. Click the links below to view the program live. Lincoln (First & Second Grade) Holiday Program - 6:00 Davie (3rd & 4th Grade) Holiday Program - 7:00
about 1 month ago, Webmaster